Saturday, December 27, 2014


Hi all! It has been a couple months since my last post. I guess I got caught up with life and blogging fell low on the priority list. Even so, I have wanted to come back to it for a little while now because a lot is going on that I want to share. Here is what you missed . . .

My lovely fiance Sami and I are moving forward with wedding plans and we will be going wedding dress shopping in a couple of weeks!

photo from

Also, I recently finished up my first semester back at law school after taking a leave of absence. I’m really proud of myself for making it through. I was able to prove to myself that I can get through law school with fibromyalgia and not be in pain all the time. 

photo from

I'm also excited to share that I have started a new fitness routine! About eight weeks ago I went with a friend to a pure barre class and was instantly hooked! It is basically a mix of ballet bar technique, yoga, and pilates. Honestly, I was initially intimidated by all of the tiny fit people but I got over it. The first class was difficult but it got easier. Now I am going 3-4 times a week! It is a bit pricey but worth the investment.

photo from

In addition to a commitment to fitness I have also been focused on my commitment to weight loss. I am still going to Weight Watchers and am chipping away at the scale. Now I am at 182.6 after losing 1.8 pounds this week. I recently signed up for a new weight watchers program that matches you up with a personal coach. I just had my first phone appointment with my coach and am really excited about how this added support with help with my overall weight loss journey.

While I have been a fare weather blogger lately I hope to keep you all updated on my progress and you can also check my weight loss stats on the right hand side of the blog.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and thanks for reading!

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