Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Hello all! I just got back from a lovely vacation to Texas and am excited to report a recent weight loss victory. Even though I struggled with eating on my trip I was able to make good choices and for the most part stay on plan. In Texas I was visiting with family which of course came with some tasty treats. BBQ, chicken wings, and froyo, oh my! Along with all the high-fat, high-carbs foods, I also walked a LOT! I use a Fitbit to track my activity. Wearing my Fitbit every day helped remind me to stay active and on plan. Aside from the Texas treats, I made sure to eat well when I could. It wasn't easy, but I'm proud that I had a loss even after vacation.

Hoping to stay on plan this week and report another victory soon. I feel like I am finally getting back on track after numerous gains and a plateau. So here are my week 6 weigh in results!

Weight: 182.4
Change Since Last Week: -3.4
Total Weight Loss: -13

You can keep up with my weight loss journey by checking back each week and also following my weight tracker on the right hand side of the blog! Please share any thoughts or your own weight loss triumphs and struggles in the comments section below!